Bridging Humans and Robotics

ERIA operates at the intersection of technology, customer service, and interactive marketing. By focusing on humanoid robots like Pepper, ERIA is not just introducing robotics into the commercial sphere; it's redefining how businesses engage with their customers. The goal is to create meaningful, memorable interactions that not only serve practical purposes but also enhance the customer experience. From retail to hospitality, healthcare to education, ERIA's solutions are designed to be versatile, scalable, and impactful across multiple sectors.

Find out more: organise a 5-minute meeting

Core Services of ERIA

ERIA's offerings are built around four fundamental services, each tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses looking to step into the future of customer engagement

The ERIA Advantage

Adopting ERIA's services goes beyond the novelty of having a robot in your business; it's about leveraging technology to achieve tangible benefits. Here are several ways businesses can profit from partnering with ERIA:

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Interactive robots like Pepper can attract and retain customer attention, providing personalized experiences that drive loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automating routine tasks with robots allows staff to focus on more complex and value-added activities, optimizing workforce utilization.
  • Data Insights: ERIA's software enables data collection on customer interactions, offering valuable insights that can inform business strategies and improve service offerings.
  • Innovative Brand Image: Employing humanoid robots positions a business as a forward-thinking leader, enhancing its brand image and appealing to tech-savvy consumers.

How the process works ?

In short, everything is going smoothly... For more specifics, see below.


Votre Idée

It all starts with your vision. Whether it's enhancing customer service, providing interactive experiences, or something entirely unique, we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.


Consultation avec l'Équipe ERIA

Discuss your concept with our expert team. We delve deep to understand your requirements and how our range of robots, including Pepper, Selfiebot, and others, can fulfill them.

Discover our Robot Family


Lancement du Projet

We outline a tailored project plan, setting clear milestones and objectives to ensure a structured and efficient process.


​Customizing Robot Behaviors

Developing unique behaviors for our robots. From greeting customers to providing information, we program the selected robot to perform as needed, ensuring it meets your business goals.

Discover our CMS Software for Robots​​​​


Création de Médias Personnalisés

Designing and integrating custom media — tablet UIs, forms, videos, and more — to enhance the robot's interaction with your audience and deliver a memorable experience.


Livraison et Installation

Bringing the robot to your location. Our team ensures a smooth setup and integration into your environment, providing any necessary training and support to get you up and running efficiently.

Want to Enhance Your Customer Engagement Strategy?

Our experts offer a complimentary analysis of your current approach (robot integration, customer interactions, media content) and provide tailored recommendations.

Get a Free Consultation

Thomas Maréchal • CEO of ERIA